EWSC Autumn Webinar Series: A recap

The Enabling Water Smart Communities (EWSC) Autumn Webinar Series consisted of five different sessions.

Each session focused on a different area of the EWSC project, and offered a chance for project’s partners to share updates on the ’Enabling Actions’ they have been working on.

Session 1: An introduction to Enabling Water Smart Communities

This first session introduced the project, explained the challenges it’s aiming to address, explored the EWSC vision and framework, and explained what people could expect to get out of the webinar series.


  • Catherine Moncrieff, Policy & Engagement Manager, CIWEM

  • Rebecca Chau, Senior Strategic Designer, Arup

Further Reading:

Session 2 - Value focus: Water for people and places

This second session of the EWSC series shared insights from existing water reuse systems and integrated water management plans, and explored the implications for optimising the shared value of water reuse between developers, local authorities and water companies.


  • John Hernon, Strategic Development Manager, Thames Water

  • Dejan Vernon, Energy Technical Manager, Thames Water

  • Catherine Moncrieff, Policy & Engagement Manager, CIWEM

Further Reading:

Session 3 - Community focus: Community perspectives and engagement with water

The third session of the EWSC webinar series offered a chance for the academics involved with EWSC project to present their initial findings from literature reviews, case study interviews and workshops with professionals and potential future residents.


  • Ella Foggitt, Research Associate, University of Manchester

  • Kavindra Paranage, Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia

  • Catherine Moncrieff, Policy & Engagement Manager, CIWEM

Further Reading:

Session 4 - Assets focus: Onsite water reuse

The fourth session in the EWSC webinar series shared insights on the challenges, opportunities and costs associated with community-level water reuse schemes. This included outcomes from a recent workshop with water company representatives and new cost data, associated with dual pipe water systems, that had been published in a report.


  • George Warren, Integrated Water Manager, Anglian Water

  • Alastair Chisholm, Director of Policy, CIWEM

Further Reading:

Session 5 - Community-led stewardship models for water smart communities

The fifth and final webinar of the EWSC series explored the initial findings from research into existing stewardship models and co-designing a stewardship model.


  • Stuart Edwards, Project Delivery Manager, United Utilities

  • Nichola Morris, Project Manager, Community Land Trust Network

  • Lucy Stewart, Designer, ARUP

  • Charlie Murphy, Researcher, Centre for Local Economic Studies, CLES

  • Catherine Moncrieff, Policy & Engagement Manager, CIWEM

Further Reading:


Water scarcity could cost UK economy £25bn over five years in undelivered housing, study reveals


Integrated Water Management Studies: Barriers and Enablers