EWSC Action Area Projects

Project 3: Community-led stewardship model for water smart communities

Develop and test a community led stewardship model that empowers communities to incorporate, operate and maintain water-smart assets that meet the principles of Integrated Water Management.

Project Description

This project is developing a community led stewardship model through four steps:   

  1. Understanding and assessing existing stewardship models. 

  2. Co-designing a new community led stewardship model. 

  3. Identifying a suitable residential development site to demonstrate the model. 

  4. Producing a replicable model that can be applied to all development types. 

This project is determining what is required to deliver a community led stewardship model, considering the operational costs of surface water management and reuse technologies. The stewardship model will take the form of a company that manages the site and is run by individuals, with a representative from an overarching national/regional governing body.

EWSC Model entry point


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Delivery lens

The components of the project reside within ‘Stewardship’ part of the ESWC framework at individual, network, and system levels. The community stewardship model will incorporate a national governance structure to facilitate the implementation of Integrated Water Management principles at a local level.

This project is mainly focused on community led developments and aims to develop a robust stewardship model for estate management. It will also touch on private sector led developments as the stewardship model is applied more broadly.  

Community Led

EWSC Framework

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