Transition Pathways
Together towards regenerative futures
By innovating in the delivery of water and housing infrastructure, the EWSC project is part of a broader effort to transition towards more climate resilient communities.
In this wider ecosystem of change, we see our project as a step along the transition pathway, connected to parallel endeavours and catalysing collaborative action.

Striving for systems innovation
Recognising interdependency actions within a transition pathway, we prioritise interconnected responses in favour of a confetti of singular actions, in keeping with a systems innovation approach.
Enabling action projects are fertile testing grounds for piloting and demonstrating innovative solutions. The practical insights gained from each experiment not only contribute to the ongoing projects, but also refine the transition pathway. In doing so, we are working on both innovative solutions and on the system.
We are currently:
Stitching together learnings from individual enabling action projects, iterating on the EWSC Model, Framework and Transition and tracking progress.
Searching for external projects, initiatives and context changes (e.g. policy) that the we may need to react to.
Looking for opportunities to collaborate with other projects and initiatives to accelerate the transition.
Designing the journey and supporting tools for system actors to deliver WSCs in their context
Exploring how the transition pathway can be stewarded beyond the project.
Progress along this journey will be measured by the extent to which the system is transforming to support conditions for the mainstream delivery of WSCs .
Adapting the Transition Design Framework by Irwin, Kossoff and Tonkinwise (2018) for the EWSC project, the figures show how the Enabling Action Projects are linked together with other future projects and initiatives to mid- and long-term ambitions. Working backwards from long- to mid-term future versions establish a “transition pathway” where interconnected projects and initiatives act as milestones leading to the envisioned future.

Becoming a transition partner
Enabling WSCs and thus, transitioning towards more sustainable futures requires collaborative efforts. Success hinges on diverse stakeholders, including local communities, working together and pooling resources towards a shared vision. Even small actions can contribute to systems-level change when tied to the overarching transition pathway.