EWSC Action Area Projects

Project 5: The case for water smart housing

EWSC are working with Public First to explore the impact of water scarcity on housing and economic growth, as well as public perspectives around water reuse.

Project Description

The work utilises polling data, qualitative “immersive” research, and economic modelling to explore the case for water smart housing.

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Project Outputs

Report: The Case For Water Smart Housing

This economic analysis estimates the proportion of planned homes that could be delayed by a lack of water capacity in the southeast and east of England, and the potential knock-on impact to the economy over the next five years.

Public perspectives around water scarcity and reuse were explored through an anonymous online survey of over 4,000 people across the UK.

This included experiments to test how water reuse type, location, water use and treatment affect public attitudes, and to test what types of messaging around water reuse are most and least effective.

Areas where new housing targets pose water scarcity issues.

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